I put the difficulty at 6/10 mostly due to completing Horde on Insane for one of the Onyx medals is rendered cake with the use of mutators.

You're looking at two plays of the campaign, and hundreds of hours playing all the other game modes to obtain Seriously 3.0 - or you can cut it short at 900/1000 with much less work. The achievements in this one are fairly straightforward (as they were in the other two), but will take quite a bit of time. actually the COG disbanded, sorry about that! Gears of War 3 is the end to a fantastic third-person sci-fi shooter trilogy. +Does difficulty affect achievements? Yes (Campaign only) +Do cheat codes disable achievements? Mutators are safe to use. +Number of missable achievements: None (Chapter Select) +Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 2 (Possibly 1, see Step 1a) +Approximate amount of time to 755 (online): 500+ hours +Approximate amount of time to 1245 (offline): 150+ hours